Saturday, May 14, 2011

What have I been up to?

Not that anyone is really following me, and I wouldn't blame them if they did becasue I haven't written in a  while but a lot has happened so I figure I'll catch y'all up.

March was let's just say a low energy month. I got new running shoes got some miles in. Got a few swims in too.  In looking at my log it seems the weather was not very conducive to running at all.  Looks like I got 13 running miles in and 5 swimming miles in. Not impressive.

April brought a new set of personal challenges and pulled my focus off of me and on my financial responsibility to my family.  Our financial advisor went over things and it was decided that Great Oaks, a possible steady income for me and the tax breaks it gave us would be worth opening again.  So I went to work, begrudgingly, getting things set up again. Bear in mind that the room had turned into a play/treadmill/bed/junk room. I also decided, against my better angels, to add Infant care this time. So I comandeered some of the TV Room space for that.  So I am even a month later, still trying to get everything ready for re-licensing Great Oaks.  Needless to say all the cleaning and moving furniture and organizing took away training time but at least it got me moving so I guess it's a good thing.

Towards the end of April, my BFF's daughter asked me to help her train for a race this summer. I said sure, I already have training stuff figured out. The first time out we went 3 miles at a walk/run. She has since registered for her first 5K and I could not be prouder. I just need her to stop sprint/walk/sprint and get her steady pace running.  The nice thing is she is laid back and I have run in to the trheat of shin splints and sore arches so we take things in stride.    The best part is that we make plans and she holds me to them. I'm getting my base built back up and am back to being able to run an entire 3 miles in under an hour and no walking needed.

So May has been the best training month so far this year. I'm not doing the Riverbank but I am not regretting it. GR Half Marathon is on my plate- I've already registered for it even- and I love that race!  I was going to work towards a TRiathlon in June but I might do the Sprint Distance Duathlon instead. The cold temps haven't warmed any of hte lakes enough to get open swims in and lap swim at the pool is over.  So I'm just building my base fitness again and going from there.

Here are my stats for May thus far:
May 1: Rest
May 2: 3 Miles walk run
May 3: 4 mile ride
May 4: Rest
May 5: 4 mile walk run
May 6: rest
May 7 & 8: Rest
May 9: 3 mile run
May 10: 550 yard swim - shoulder pain
May 11: 3 mile RUN!
May 12: 10 mile ride- no pain and didn't die!
May 13: Rest

So I've done 17 running miles, 14 riding miles and .30 Swimming miles this month so far and it's only mid-month!

I also found a new doctor. I'm really excited about this since the last doctor I had was so busy staring at my Psoriosis and recommending I get help from HER husband the dermatologist, that she didn't hear a word I said about anything else.  So after an exasperating day of trying to find a doctor ( a story for another blog) I bit the bullet, found a doctor and had a physical. After an hour long conversation I felt great. She respected my ability level as is and she herself is passionate about running and getting people fit.  She leads some weight loss classes and take appointments with patients to meet withthem about modifying their diets. So I am keeping a Food journal. She sits down with patients every other week and goes over hte journal helping them find where they can cut down calories and balance things better. If you think about it, the co-pay for the visits is cheaper than Jenny Craig or something like that.  Those food programs don't teach you portion control-they sned it to you and you still end up adding to it anyway so they aren't for me.  She doesn't want to take away things you love but help you balance things out using what you like to eat and modifying it(meaning I won't have to eat carrots!). She asked what my ultimate wieght goal is. When I told her she wasn't freaked out.  She sasked me if I have short term goals along hte way and I told her. I also kind of challenged her to get me off that 235lbs-238lbs.  hump in under 6 months.  She is really great and I am looking forward to this.

So that's the short version of training. There have been a lot of life challenges between February and Now...loss of an important person in my  life, I joined a choir, sending Patrick to a new school next year, the boys first concerts, subbing jobs sprinkled here and there.  There is a weird little creative writing type thing I will post next. If you don't want to read it, it's cool.

Take care everyone. I'll see you on the bike path!

1 comment:

  1. There are those who follow you. Good job, keep it up.
